Reservation date:
The 25th of the month previous to the issue submission.

Submission date:
The 6th of the month of the issue requested. 

Article Submission Guidelines

ArchiType Digital Magazine welcomes original, well-written articles from members and other Allied professionals on areas pertinent to architecture such as building codes, climate, construction, community, diversity, energy, equity and inclusion, sustainability, etc.

You do not need any formal writing experience or to have been published elsewhere to submit an article for the magazine.

If you are interested in submitting an article for ArchiType, please send a brief outline of the article you would like to write to with the subject of the ArchiType article idea.

Please Read Before Submitting

Please refer to the following points before sending in your article to ArchiType magazine:

  • Familiarize yourself with the magazine’s style and content before sending in article ideas. Click here for past issues.
  • Feature articles range from 300 – 600 words in a Microsoft Word document format.
  • Articles must be non-promotional. Any promotional-based articles will be rejected.
  • Please ensure you know the copyright status for any articles/images supplied.
  • All submitted photographs must be high resolution with photography credit when applicable.

Questions?  Please contact